#Farming Friday 48: So You Want To Be A Farmer?

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Today was a perfect early summer day: gorgeous sunshine, with a breeze to lighten the warmth. The sort of day when, driving past a farm on a quiet road; or heaping up your baskets with berries or summer squash at a pick-your-own farm; or, even watching a baby goat video your friend shared, you might say: “One day I am going to have my own farm.” And you would not be alone. There is a renewed interest in farming amidst the ongoing noisy debate on food issues.

But what is life on a farm really like? Like the pretty pictures on Instagram or Pinterest? Sometimes, yes. But what is often not visible is the sheer hard labor, the exhaustion of caring for animals, the regulations and paperwork that need to be followed and the overwhelming amounts of poop!

Still interested in following the farm dream? Here is an inside look, honest and also funny, from three people who did follow the dream and raised goats, pigs and hens.

(Image Courtesy: “Rustic Vermont” by EA, freedigitalphotos.net)

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